A “paper-assisted personal interview” (PAPI) is a commonly used approach to conducting standardized personal interviews. In this method, the interviewer uses a printed questionnaire to ask the interviewee a set of pre-determined questions. The interviewer records the interviewee’s responses by hand or by entering the answers directly into the questionnaire using a computer or other electronic device. This type of interview is often used in research studies and surveys as it helps ensure that all participants are asked the same set of questions in the same way, promoting consistency and objectivity in the data collected. The use of a standardized questionnaire also facilitates data entry and analysis, making it easier to compare and synthesize responses across multiple interviews. Unlike computer-assisted interviews, pen-and-paper methods of data collection require nearly no technical expertise to implement and leave a great deal of flexibility in the implementation of the survey design. Pen-and-paper surveys are also guaranteed to produce a permanent primary record of data collection.
As a technique for data collection, NEOFACTS utilizes Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) which involve face-to-face interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee. During the interview, the interviewer utilizes modern electronic devices like tablets, mobile phones, or computers with preloaded questionnaires to ask and record the answers provided by the respondent.
The use of electronic devices in CAPI provides a more efficient, organized, and error-free way of collecting data. The interviewer can easily enter the respondent’s answers directly into the device, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Additionally, the use of CAPI ensures that the collected data is secure and can be easily accessed and analyzed.
NEOFACTS employs various data collection methods to ensure reliable and accurate data. One such method is the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) research methodology. This technique involves conducting interviews through the internet, where the respondent receives the survey via the same online channel and completes it online.
CAWI has become increasingly popular in recent years and is among the most dynamic research methods in market research and social research. This method offers numerous advantages, including flexibility and convenience for respondents who can take the survey at their convenience, and reduced costs for the research team due to the elimination of printing, postage, and data entry costs.
CAWI research methodology also provides the researchers with accurate and reliable data as the survey is conducted in real-time, with responses being instantly recorded and analyzed. This method also allows for easy customization and personalization of the surveys, enhancing their quality and relevance to the respondents.
The computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) technique of data collection as employed by NEOFACTS, involves using trained interviewers to conduct automated phone interviews with the participants. During the CATI interview, the interviewer reads the questions from a computer screen and records the participant’s answers electronically using coded options within a computer program. The use of technology in the CATI method ensures that the data collected is accurate and organized, with responses being recorded instantly.
Additionally, the CATI method provides a cost-effective and efficient way of collecting data as the interviews can be conducted at a relatively low cost compared to in-field methods, and it is ideal for large-scale surveys. The use of the CATI method by NEOFACTS ensures the collection of reliable and high-quality data through a phone interview. This method is ideal for large-scale surveys and offers a cost-effective and efficient way of collecting data.
NEOFACTS uses Central Location Tests (CLTs) as a data collection method for market research. CLTs offer a controlled and standardized environment for conducting taste testing and sensory testing, which is crucial for accurate data collection. These tests can be conducted in a variety of settings, such as hotels, malls, churches, testing labs, schools, eateries, and community settings.
By using CLTs, NEOFACTS can ensure that all participants are exposed to the same conditions, which eliminates potential confounding variables that may skew the results. This allows for more accurate and reliable data collection, which can then be used to inform product development, marketing strategies, and other business decisions. CLTs further offer a flexible approach to data collection, allowing for various settings to be utilized depending on the needs of the study. For example, if the study is focused on food products, a restaurant or testing lab may be more appropriate. Alternatively, if the study is focused on consumer products, a mall or community setting may be more suitable
NEOFACTS utilizes “exit interviews” as a data collection method for market research and social Research. Exit interviews are conducted in-person with customers or clients as they are leaving a shop or service centre. The purpose of these interviews is to gather feedback from customers about their experience, including what they liked and what areas they think could improve.
By conducting exit interviews, NEOFACTS help clients gain valuable insights into the customer’s experience, including their satisfaction with the products or services, the level of customer service they received, and any areas where the company can improve. This information can then be used to inform decision-making and improve the overall customer experience.

Research. Learn. Inform.
We are a professional research firm/company providing market research, social research, public policy research, monitoring & Evaluation, and data collection services; operating in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea, Mozambique, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana, Chad, Central African Republic and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa.